Real Time Animation With Guest Dave Waite from Zookeeper

On this episode of Get the Balance Right Podcast my guest is Dave Waite, the founder and creative director of Zookeeper, an animation and branding studio located in Los Angeles. As an advanced product beta tester for Adobe, Dave has the inside scoop. Over the years, Zookeeper has offered cutting edge digital services for clients such as NBC, Team Coco, TBS and Disney. In this interview, we discuss Dave’s early career at Nike and the creation of Zookeeper. We dive into the exciting changes happening in real time animation including a demonstration where Dave magically turns into a cartoon character (video segment).

Episode 15_Dave Waite.png

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Interested in being a guest on the podcast? Do you have a podcast and would like to invite Heather Zeitzwolfe to be a guest? If either apply, please fill out our guest request form


Video portion of the interview: YouTube
Dave Waite - Linkedin
Zookeeper - Website -  Email: - Character Demonstration
New York Film Academy: Website

Animation Mentioned in the Show: Our Cartoon President - Adult Swim - Simpsons - Flintstones

Shout Out - Vaughn Zeitzwolfe: Vimeo



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