How to Create Copy that Connects with Your Audience (guest Cassandra Le of the Quirky Pineapple Studio)


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How To Build Your Email List

In your business, unless you’re hiring someone to create your copy, chances are you’re doing it yourself. Or you might be developing part of it and farming out the rest. As an entrepreneur, one of the biggest ways you’re probably using copy, whether you wrote it or somebody else did, is in your email marketing. If you’re not tapping into the power of email marketing then you really should be. This is emphasized in a book I’ve been reading entitled, Your Message Matters (How to Rise Above the Noise and Get Paid for What You Do), by Jonathan Milligan. The book came out in 2020 and is chocked full of solid marketing advice.

 The power of email marketing is notably discussed in Part 3: Marketing Your Message section of the book. Jonathan Milligan warns that building an audience within a social media platform can be dangerous since you’re doing this on rented land. To secure your audience, you should be capturing their email.

To build your email list, he states you only need to answer three key questions. They are:

1.     Who do you want to attract?

2.     Where can you find them?

3.     What tool will you use to attract them?

The first one, who do you want to attract refers to your ideal customer. The second one, where do you find your audience; in other words, where do they congregate? Three traffic sources that you can use to find them are:

1.     Free sources, such as search engines and social media

2.     Paid sources, such as paid advertising

3.     Partner sources, such as affiliate relationships and guest contributions

The last question you should ask for capturing their email is: what tool will you use to attract them? To have someone give you their email, you must offer them something of value in this exchange. The author warns to not fall into the “join my newsletter” trap. It’s better to offer something for free that the person would pay for and in return they will gladly give up their email address.

In this episode of Get the Balance Right Podcast we are talking about copywriting. To discuss this topic, we are joined by the adorable and smart Cassandra Le, the founder of the Quirky Pineapple Studio, a creative agency, which specializes in brand messaging and copywriting. Her company serves clients all over the globe. Cassandra is an expert in heartfelt copy, which is the main focus of our discussion. It's extremely powerful because it connects with your audience on a more personal level. 

In this interview, we dive into what copy is and isn’t, along with ways to make your copy more impactful. Effective copywriting is a skill that incorporates many talents and areas of expertise, such as marketing, psychology, research, and linguistics. Joining us from Spain, Cassandra shares how she got into the biz, along with great copywriting  tips that even a novice can put to use. 

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The Top Nine Ways to Build Your Email List

In regards to list-building methods, over the years Jonathan Milligan, the author of Your Message Matters tried many, but found nine in particular that worked best.

Here are the top nine ways to build your email list:

The first one is to offer a content upgrade, such as creating bonus content for your blog posts, podcasts and videos that your followers can access if they provide you with their email. This approach requires you make more content though.

The second one is a contest giveaway, where the person enters their email address in exchange for the chance of winning a prize. This may sound expensive but you can always giveaway something other than money or big-ticket items. Rather than giving away gift cards or tangible prized, you can the winner free access to a course you developed.

Third is a five-day challenge, using a multi-day email course.

The fourth is a free downloadable PDF, such as a mind map or a repurposed blog post.

Fifth is a quiz. People love taking quizzes online and you can collect their email after they complete the quiz in order to see their results.

Sixth is a webinar, where you offer free access.

Seven, is quite unique, although not commonly practiced because it’s not a direct list building activity. He suggests purchasing an online course from an influencer and provide them with a testimonial.

Eight is to host an online conference, such as a virtual summit with influencers, authors and speakers who will the share the event with their audience. I love this idea, but virtual summits are a lot of work and take a great deal of preparation and time. But the results can be significant for your business.

The ninth is an affiliate product launch, where you invite influencers to promote your offer or have them share your free PDF. This seems like it would work well if you guest on someone’s podcast and offer the free PDF on the show.

Send me a DM if you experiment with these, I’d love to hear about your results.


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