Breaking Through Fear and Self Doubt to Take Action (Guest John Davis the Corporate Action Hero)

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Do you ever have negative self-talk that holds you back? Do you let that negativity keep you from taking action? 

The topic, on this episode of Get the Balance Right Podcast, is overcoming self-imposed limitations by breaking free from our fears and self-doubt so that we can take action as entrepreneurs. To discuss this, I am joined by John Davis, whose personal and professional life has all been about taking action. He’s a Hollywood stuntman turned motivational speaker, known as the Corporate Action Hero and the host of the Inner Action Hero Podcast. His message is inspirational and stems from a tragic incident from his life. During his youth he injured himself and was told he would never walk again. Through pure determination and unrelenting action, which were fueled by the influence of Bruce Lee, he proved the doctors wrong. John Davis is living proof that you can achieve your maximum potential if you let go of self-imposed limitations. 

In this episode you will hear about John’s personal journey and learn techniques you can use to break through your mental walls and start taking action. You’ll also discover the internal struggles our host (Heather Zeitzwolfe) has been dealing with and how she is moving through them through to create dramatic changes ahead in her business and the podcast. To quote Tony Robbins, “Action is the most important key to success,” therefore don’t let your self-doubt and fear hold you back.

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