Tales from the Asylum - A Conversation with Filmmaker David Michael Latt

This episode we have a very special guest, filmmaker David Michael Latt. He is one of the founders of the Asylum, a prolific film studio that have distributed and produced hundreds of films, ranging from art house to Sharknado. David and the Asylum have carved out their place in Hollywood by focusing on the type of films audiences crave like genre pictures and mockbusters.

Their budgets may not be as large as the giant film studios, but they deliver high quality entertainment with raving fans and a giant catalog for streaming. While other film studios have gone on hiatus during the pandemic, the Asylum continues to make movies by adapting their film sets to meet COVID compliance.

This interview is chock full of trivia, juicy show-biz stories, and the insider scoop on movie production.

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The Asylum - Website -  Twitter - Facebook - YouTube
David Michael Latt - IMDB - Twitter
Show Mentions: Filmmaker Larry Cohen - Red Band Trailers - AVOD Services

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